BrandForensix Bee Posts

Author: BrandForensix Bee

Social Media Management

Engaging followers & building fan base with perfect mixture of posts

The biggest non-secret in social media these days is that visual posts work. Find us anyone who suggests ditching photos and videos for straight text posts and we’ll show you someone who is quickly fading into obscurity, if not ridicule.

However, many brands use visual posts but they don’t mix them right, it’s either they are just attempting to sell and sell their services/products with no end or they are just reposting non branded industry related information which in turn damages their engagement and retention rates.

What we did here, is that we created a winning formula of social media posting which creates and retain interest in fan base, promotes sharing and raises opportunities for organic fan base building.

Reach out to us to learn more about this.

Responsive Website Banner

Attractiveness of “above the fold” influences next scroll

Content layout and placement is important because content that appears above the fold is what is first visible when the user loads the page. It is the prime real estate that gets most of the attention from users.

Because of its high visibility, the content that you place above the fold should be the content that is most important to achieving your business goals. The content should immediately grab the user’s attention and present them with the content that they are looking for so that they don’t bounce and visit another site and so that they continue browsing.

Here we adapted mobile page view to show full promotion content above the fold covering the full display size of mobile with all relevant promotion information which is followed with details of promotion below thus ensuring we captured attention and interest of visitors.

Digital Display Campaign

Display Ads Design & Placement

Common question when hoping to boost your online traffic with banner ads is how to create banner ad designs that people will want to click on.

We focus on creating attractive, one of a kind display ad designs that resonate with your target audience and achieve your goals.

Additionally, our marketing analysis helps us place your ads where they will reach your target market at minimal cost and the highest potential of conversion rather than just placing them everywhere regardless of possibility of success and your budget.

Influencer Campaign

Sourcing & Influencer Management for Successful Campaign

We bring your brand story to life through harnessing the power of authentic connections.

We help brands engage with and activate their target audiences worldwide through strategic and creative influencer marketing campaigns ranging from activation of nano to macro influencers and having them in a perfect mix.

We work with many influencers in APEC region and are able to create the most authentic connections between a brand and an influencer using our unique and longstanding expertise. We then develop and execute these strategies to amplify your brand story at scale.

Contact us to learn how we can help you on this.

Social Media Marketing

Targeting For Success

Knowing your target market is a key to success, you’ll want a clear picture of exactly who your audience is – this might include customer profiles that list everything from age to favourite hobbies. Knowing as much as you can about who your buyer is will help you speak directly to them, which is integral for successful social media campaigns.

Some decisions we make based on through analysis of your target audience include:

  • Platform – There are many different social media platforms and they all have benefits and best uses. Knowing your audience is the key to knowing where to find them.
  • Tailored Ads– Your audience might respond well to images or video. Some may respond better to longer written content.
  • Timing – Knowing your audience means that we’ll have the edge on timing your posts around occasions and current events that will be important to them.
  • Profile Your audience will be particular in the types of things that speak to them and your profile setup is no exception.

We can help you analyse your audience and deliver campaigns that are going to reach them.

Social Media Marketing

Successful Digital Marketing Campaigns to Male Audience

In marketing to both genders, you need to know what exactly men and women expect and want to receive. Check out the following contrasting aspects to be aware of what your audience is looking for.

  • Brand vs Price

Caring about their time, men prefer to buy brands or well-known products giving not much attention to the cost. Meantime, women are real hunters – they compare various offers and bargain for the lower price.

  • Logic vs Emotion

Let’s face the fact that women have a better-developed suite of emotions and tactile experience influences their decisions. Men audience needs fewer details, fewer steps and demands a clear description and a functionality guide.

  • Luxury vs Utility

While marketing to men vs women, remember that men are “must-haves” and ready to pay a pretty penny and women are “deal-breakers” who look for practicality and low or, at least, moderate price.

  • Simplicity vs Details

Not a surprise that men prefer clear guidance and solutions that require fewer efforts. Loads of details, description and comparisons get the faster response from women as they foresee for such stuff before making a buying decision.

  • Male vs Female

Gender of the product is the point worth mentioning. Men indeed attracted to the products or services that are positioned as male, functional and problem-solving. Women focus on an efficiency and utility of the product and give no attention to the gender.

We are well versed in creating successful marketing campaigns to both genders applying exactly their different preferences into the campaign when marketing to them and ensuring that we reach them effectively and produce results.

Branding & Packaging Design

Importance of Brand & Packaging

Branding and packaging are essential to marketing a product and the two are closely related. Packaging should build a brand, making it easy for a consumer to spot the products that belong to a specific company.

Once a company knows its message and the target demographic, it should keep those in mind when developing product’s packaging. Bright colours may appeal to younger consumers, while more sedate ones may appeal to a higher-end demographic.

Creating a brand that speaks to audience and packaging that appeals is our forte, drop us a message and we’ll look into helping you on this.